Diederich Healthcare, a division of Diederich Insurance Agency, LLC; has released their 2016 medical malpractice payout analysis, and the data shows that malpractice payouts increased for the third consecutive year in 2015. Last year, payouts across the United States totaled $3.95 billion, an increase of 1.68% from 2014. New York remained at the top as the state with the highest medical malpractice payout total, a place that the state has held all five years that…
All Posts Written By William Bateman, Author at Diederich Healthcare
One of the biggest changes taking place in the world of healthcare is the transition from paper records to Electronic Health Records (EHR). According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, more than $21 billion in incentive payments were made to healthcare providers between 2011 and 2015 for EHR implementation through the government’s Meaningful Use (MU) initiative. (1) The program was created to spur the adoption of health technology nationwide, and a late 2015…

It is no secret that healthcare professionals are feeling a time crunch now more than ever. An increasing amount of patients seeking care coupled with a federal mandate requiring conversion to electronic medical records (EMR) means that physicians have to find ways to see more patients while also spending more time performing data entry and other non-care-related tasks. Fifteen minutes has become the norm for primary care visits, and that number could continue to shrink….
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