Diederich Healthcare, a division of Diederich Insurance Agency, LLC; has released their 2016 medical malpractice payout analysis, and the data shows that malpractice payouts increased for the third consecutive year in 2015. Last year, payouts across the United States totaled $3.95 billion, an increase of 1.68% from 2014. New York remained at the top as the state with the highest medical malpractice payout total, a place that the state has held all five years that…
Illinois Archives - Diederich Healthcare

The 2015 Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis has been released and is available here. As a service to our clients and all physicians nation-wide, Diederich Healthcare has done an analysis of the medical malpractice payouts in 2013 as recorded by the National Practitioner Data Bank. Taking the data from the NPDB’s records, statistics were selected that will be both interesting and timely to doctors and all other medical professionals. Interestingly, 2013 marked the first time since…

The 2015 Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis has been released and is available here. As a service to our clients and all physicians nation-wide, Diederich Healthcare has done an analysis of the medical malpractice payouts in 2012 as recorded by the National Practitioner Data Bank. Taking the data from the NPDB’s records, statistics were selected that will be both interesting and timely to doctors and all other medical professionals. At the beginning of the infographic there…

Diederich Healthcare is pleased to introduce the first medical malpractice insurance program exclusively developed for the unique insurance needs of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and is now available in Illinois. OB-GYN Risk Alliance, a risk purchasing group, is governed by practicing OB-GYNs across the United States who understand the unique issues and needs of OB-GYNs. The OB-GYN Risk Alliance program’s medical malpractice insurance coverage is exclusive to OB-GYNs only and is offered in many states including…

The 2015 Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis has been released and is available here. As a service to our clients and all physicians nation-wide, Diederich Healthcare has done an analysis of the medical malpractice payouts in 2011 as recorded by the National Practitioner Data Bank. Taking the data from the NPDB’s records, statistics were selected that will be both interesting and timely to doctors and all other medical professionals. Toward the end of the infographic there is…

I received a phone call from an Internal Medicine specialist, located in Illinois, in the middle of January. His current Professional Liability (Medical Malpractice) Insurance Company had recently informed him that they were not going to offer coverage for some of the aesthetic procedures that he was already performing. The procedures included Botox Injection, Laser Hair Removal and low risk Vein Removal. While this was not a major portion of the Internists practice, it did…
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