Diederich Healthcare is proud to present an innovative and cost-effective option now available to Obstetrics/Gynecology groups for their medical professional liability insurance. Working with a National “A-Rated Insurance Carrier—participating groups can save 25% or more on their malpractice insurance premiums. The program includes the following activities and resources: In-depth Medical Practice Site Survey by a Risk Management Consultant Hospital Ob-Focused Risk Mapping (with hospital consent) Patient Safety Information Survey Basic Ob Tool Kit (including prenatal…
Medical Malpractice Insurance Archives - Page 5 of 6 - Diederich Healthcare
Doctors have seen the premiums for their professional liability insurance policies decrease for several years in a row throughout the Southeast. Physicians have enjoyed decreases since 2004 in many states and now often pay less that 50% for their policies than they did six or seven years ago. Many states have enacted tort reform and have placed caps on non-economic damages involving medical malpractice lawsuits. Physicians in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina,…
Many physicians in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties have experienced lower annual premiums for their medical malpractice insurance. Many specialties, including Family Practice, OB/GYN, General Surgery, Cardiology, Neurology, Internal Medicine, and Orthopedic Surgery have benefited from lower medical malpractice insurance premiums. Physicians and Surgeons have been able to develop a more profitable business by lowering their cost of their Professional Liability insurance. The standard limits of liability in Florida are $250,000 / $750,000. The discounts that…
California physicians have a number of options when it comes to shopping for their professional medical liability insurance. A common question from medical physicians is, “Why are claims paid insurance policies less expensive than claims made insurance policies?” A policy that has continued to attract California medical providers is the “claims paid” policy form. This policy offered by physician cooperatives or medical trusts offers extremely low insurance rates that are considered “assessments” rather than annual…
The 2015 Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis has been released and is available here. As a service to our clients and all physicians nation-wide, Diederich Healthcare has done an analysis of the medical malpractice payouts in 2011 as recorded by the National Practitioner Data Bank. Taking the data from the NPDB’s records, statistics were selected that will be both interesting and timely to doctors and all other medical professionals. Toward the end of the infographic there is…
Multiple events in 2011 have continued to lower medical malpractice premiums in Alabama. Carrier competition has created an Alabama marketplace where the physicians can benefit from lower costs of professional liability coverage. The following changes contributed to the rate decreases many physicians are now seeing in their practices: Medicus Insurance Company enters Alabama Norcal Mutual acquires Medicus Insurance Company The Doctors Company acquires FPIC group Medicus Insurance Company receives “A” rating from A.M. Best A.M….
After the onslaught of activity, ignited by the injection of risk retention groups (RRGs) entering the New York Medical Malpractice Insurance market, it appears the “inventiveness” of the RRGs entrance has become yesterdays news. Once the talk of New York State, RRGs are now commonplace in the malpractice insurance arena. This leads to the question, “what lies in store for the medical community and citizens of New York?”. Even though RRGs have been operating in…
According to the Insurance Information Institute (2011), although “premiums are now stable and the frequency and severity of claims has moderated, some observers see the beginning of a reversal”. A 2010 study by Conning notes that “medical malpractice profitability cycle has peaked…a number of factors will challenge insurers and possibly lead to higher losses over the next few years”. These factors include: Outpacing other tort areas, costs to defend/settle medical malpractice cases are continually rising…
Multiple events in 2011 have continued to lower Florida Medical Malpractice premiums. Carrier competition has created a Florida marketplace where the physicians can benefit from lower costs of professional liability coverage. The following changes contributed to the rate decreases many physicians are now seeing in their practices: Medicus Insurance Company enters Florida Norcal Mutual acquires Medicus Insurance Company The Doctors Company acquires FPIC group Crum and Forster acquires Valiant Insurance Company Medicus Insurance Company receives…
New Jersey policyholders’ surplus increased $7.8 billion to $564.7 billion at March 31, 2011, from $556.9 billion at year-end 2010. Additions to surplus in first-quarter 2011 included insurers’ $7.8 billion in net income after taxes, $3.9 billion in unrealized capital gains on investments (not included in net income), $1.5 billion in new funds paid in (new capital raised by insurers), and $0.4 billion in miscellaneous additions to surplus, according to ISO, Inc. As a result,…
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